
April 26, 2014

Stamping with Bundle Monster Plate #BM205

Hello Everybody!

Today I was wanting to do something pastel to celebrate that it finally feels like spring here. My first attempt had me using nail polishes to do the watercolor look but I just couldn't get it to come out how I had envisioned in my mind so I went with acrylic paints instead. I started off with a base of Color Club in Look, Don't Tusk (which is my new favorite base color) before I went in with an assortment of paints. The blue and yellow did get a little overpowered by the pink and purple but overall I am pretty happy with them. Next I went in with Konad stamping polish in black with the Bundle Monster plate in #BM205. The pastel colors to me just screamed floral so I figured why not stamp on some flowers.

Taken in lightbox

Taken in lightbox

Taken in lightbox

Taken in lightbox

Close up of the watercolor. Taken in lightbox

Taken in sunlight

Taken in sunlight

Taken in sunlight

Taken in sunlight

Closeup of actual stamp. Taken in sunlight

Please excuse my clean up. I had a bit of a hard time with the acrylics wanting to come off neatly.