
July 27, 2014

How I Make Finding a Color Easier

When you have as many nail polish bottles as I do you will have a hard time remembering just what each polish looks like. The other day while in Wal-Mart I was over in the office supplies getting my hubby a stapler when I saw these labels.
They are a bit on the larger side but you could cut them in half if you wanted to. All I did was go through and put a swatch of each color on them. Once the polish dried I just stuck it on the top of the bottle. It is pretty simple. I already have an app on my phone that lets me sort by color and brand but it just uses a photo of the bottle itself. I wanted something that when I look on my shelf I can go right for that perfect shade.
As a tip if you are doing several at one time like I did what I suggest is lay the polishes out exactly how you swatch them. So in case you have a few that are similar you don't mix them up when putting on the bottles. I had to redo a couple of my pinks because of that error.
I hope this has been helpful.


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