
January 12, 2015

Sally Hansen Velvet Collection Swatches

I knew as soon as I saw that Sally Hansen was coming out with a velvet line that I had to get my hands on them. I dislike most texture polishes. They tend to be too gritty, even with some chunky glitters I have to use multiple layers of top coat. The velvet polishes are just slightly textured.
First up is Lush. It's a darker taupe color. It reminds me of Opi's I Sao Paulo Over There. This is two coats with no top coat.

Velour is this gorgeous purple color with a blue undertone. I actually don't have a color in my collection similar. This is two coats with no top coat.

Plush is a slightly darker aquamarine color. This looks like Essie's In The Cabana. This is two coats with no top coat.

Velveteen is your typical black. This one actually had the best formula out of all of them. This is two coats with no top coat.

I wanted to try out stamping over top to see how well it would do. The stamping actually turned out great. The slight texture gave something for the image to grip to.

Overall I think that these are a great concept but they just do not last. I didn't expect them to stay on for a long time but they barely made it an hour before chipping. I figured maybe they would last a day or so. These would be great for special occasions where you don't plan to have the polish on for long. I am thinking of returning them. For the price of $5.99 each I just don't see me using them. You could always top coat to help last but then you lose the point of the texture.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!


*All photos were taken in my lightbox. 

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